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Goddesses Site Secure – Women’s Rights, Not So October 1, 2022

Posted by goddessesblog in Uncategorized.
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Photo by Norma Gabriela Galvu00e1n on Pexels.com

As Goddesses nears forty years of continuous reporting about prehistoric archaeological finds and early human archaeomythology, we are now secure. We have Internet SSLs in place for your protection. However, hard won rights of women are globally less secure in many places these days.

Thus, we amplify the amazing protests of Iranian women after the death of a Kurdish woman in the custody of the Iranian morality police, and hope their demonstrations lead to sustainable change toward demonstrably freer lives for women in that nation.

Thus, we amplify the importance of the votes of women to preserve hard won rights in this year’s elections in South American nations such as in Chile, for a new constitution enshrining rights, and in Brazil against the right wing leader Bolsonaro.

In the U.S., women (and men) recently took to the voting booths in the State of Kansas and were hopefully a bellwether for the upcoming U.S. Midterm Elections when they overwhelmingly defeated additional abortion restrictions. If during this Fall’s voting, women of the Democratic Party, along with a wave of women who have registered as Independent, and a percentage of the Republican women (who follow the example of Republican Liz Cheney) all vote for Democrats, the resulting Democratic Party controlled Congress of the United States will be able to hold the line and prevent further erosion of the hard won rights of women, at least for two more years.

Hopeful we are, optimistic as always, that the arc of history is bending toward justice, toward fairness, for all human beings. As always, goddesses, will remain on the side of enshrining rights, rather than removing them, and on the side of liberal democracies that protect human rights from authoritarian encroachment.